Landon Mascareñaz Landon Mascareñaz

Cornerstone Launches National EduDemocracy Landscape Map

Cornerstone Project Announces Launch of National EduDemocracy Landscape Map

August 26, 2024 – The Cornerstone Project is proud to announce the launch of the National EduDemocracy Landscape Map, a groundbreaking research initiative that brings together high-impact democracy solutions and innovations from across all 50 states and Washington,D.C. This potentially first-of-its-kind research summary highlights the crucial intersection of democracy and education, showcasing innovative efforts at the local level to strengthen both sectors. Cornerstone seeks to bridge between the education and democracy sectors, build shared learning about important innovations, and generate action that leads to significant wins in communities.  

Calling for An Era of EduDemocracy Innovation 

As democracy faces increasing challenges, with 81% of voters believing it is currently under threat (Georgetown Research) the need for innovative solutions that can safeguard and enhance democratic practices has never been more urgent. The National EduDemocracy Landscape Map is an essential tool in addressing these challenges by identifying and amplifying the most effective democracy innovations happening within educational systems across the country. 

Kira Orange Jones, Co-Chair of the Cornerstone Project and former Vice President of the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, emphasized the significance of this initiative: “Our education system is at the heart of our democracy. This research not only highlights the challenges but also the incredible innovations taking place in communities nationwide. By elevating these efforts, we can ensure that education continues to be a cornerstone of a vibrant and resilient democracy.”

National research and coverage also serves to bolster the case for Cornerstone’s broader mission of democracy renovation through education reform. As highlighted by recent studies, including those focused on the impact of school board elections, these 82,000 school board seats are a critical area for focus and innovation. (Journalist Resource)

Spotlighting Local Opportunities 

The research underscores the power of local-level changes in driving broader systemic change. The analysis explores even-year elections, school board governance reforms that prioritize student voices, ranked choice voting, a legal right to a quality education, and so much more – a comprehensive overview of the strategies that could make a significant change in education democracy.

Nathan Lockwood, CEO of Rank the Vote and Co-Chair of the Cornerstone Project, stated, “The National EduDemocracy Landscape Map is a testament to the creativity and commitment of local leaders. These innovations are not just ideas; they are proven strategies that can be scaled to create more democratic and equitable education systems across the nation.”

Upcoming Webinars and Partner Collaborations

Evelyn Aissa, Deputy Director at the Partnership for the Future of Learning and an exploratory committee member, emphasizes, ‘This research is crucial for the education field, offering a clear and comprehensive view of how democracy and education are intertwined. At this pivotal moment for American democracy, it’s imperative that educators, policymakers, and community leaders take the time to understand and engage with these findings. The future of our schools—and our democracy—depends on our collective ability to act on this knowledge and drive meaningful change.'”

To further engage the public and stakeholders in this vital work, the Cornerstone Project will host a series of webinars in partnership with leading organizations in the democracy and education sectors. These sessions will delve into the findings of the National EduDemocracy Landscape Map, give leaders across sectors a chance to offer feedback and ideas, while offering unique insights and strategies for those committed to advancing democracy and education.

Visit the National EduDemocracy Landscape Analysis Here

About the Cornerstone Project

The Cornerstone Project is a nonpartisan national education redesign and democracy renovation network aspiring to unrig the democratic infrastructure within education to reduce polarization, build a more just system, and unleash the potential for every learner to thrive by focusing on electoral redesign in Eduraces and governance reform.We bridge, learn, and act to support national, state and community leaders to transform Eduraces and education governance. The Cornerstone Project was founded by the Open Systems Institute, Seek Common Ground, and Education Civil Rights Now.

Media Contact:

Landon Mascareñaz

Cornerstone Project

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