Our Core Strategies

The Cornerstone Project is organizing to bridge, learn, and act at the intersection of democracy renovation and education redesign.

How We Bridge - Connecting the Education & Democracy Sectors

We seek to bring together leaders from across the political, practice, and philanthropic communities to spark a conversation about how democratic innovations can be leveraged in education. These relationships will form the backbone of new coalitions, alliances, and conversations across country.

How We Learn - Understanding How to Innovate in Education Democracy

We seek to build a learning agenda to lift up opportunities for democratic innovation in education races and governance. We have been conducting regular learning sessions on the key topics to build greater awareness of democracy innovations. This will begin this summer with a 50 state landscape analysis of the policy state, paths to innovation, and partners working at the local and state level on the issue. We intend for this to be an ongoing initiative and not become “digital dust” - stay tuned.

How We Act - Mobilizing Community Leaders for Change

We seek to bring together local and state coalitions of democracy and education advocates to seize the moment for change in their community. This will be through communities of practice and funding partners who are committed to working at this intersection. Our action agenda will be to see significant progress in the transformation of EduRaces by 2030.